
Alex Megos sends “Ratstaman Vibrations” – Video

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Alex Megos sends “Ratstaman Vibrations”

“Ratstaman Vibrations” is a route that Chris Sharma bolted in 2012. Chris Sharma left the route unclimbed and ungraded. The route had attracted many top climbers to attempt the first ascent. Top climbers such as Seb Bouin, Charles Albert, Lucy Martinez and Stefano Ghisolfi attempted but failed to send.

Alex Megos Ratstaman Vibrations

Alex Megos first attempted the route in 2014 without success. His second go at the route in 2021 was again without success. He returned to “Ratstaman Vibration” once more in 2022 after competing in the Briançon Lead World Cup which he came in 3rd send the route after 2 days of attempts.

Origin of “Ratstaman Vibrations” Bolted by Chris Sharma

Origin of “Ratstaman Vibrations” Bolted by Chris Sharma

Video of Alex Megos FA of “Ratstaman Vibrations”

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