
the subtle art of sharing beta

The subtle art of sharing climbing beta in the gym

The subtle art of sharing climbing beta in the gym When it comes to sharing climbing beta, sometimes being helpful may not be the right thing to do. If you just started climbing and love bouldering, you may develop the urge to share beta to help others send. Unfortunately, when

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Top 10 rock climbing etiquette you need to know

Top 10 rock climbing etiquette you need to know To those of you who just started climbing. What are good climbing etiquettes? If you have never asked this question before or even think about it. Then you might be one of those annoying climbers that others frown upon 🤣. Climbing

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modern climbing gym

Are modern climbing gyms making climbers lazy?

Are modern climbing gyms making climbers lazy? Not too long ago being a climber you’ll need to have a few additional skills. Apart from climbing skills, you need to have knowledge of meteorology, logistic planning and entry-level survivor skills. To spend a day climbing, climbers will need to do a

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ProGrade lead auto belay | No lead belayer no problem

ProGrade Lead auto belay Climbing had always been an activity that requires a buddy system. Climbing is done with someone you trust and hopefully like as well. However, if you are someone with trust issues and don’t get along with people in general. Or if your climbing buddy is always

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Gym climbing verification | Everything you need to know

Gym climbing verification Climbing gym verification is a topic that pops up every so often. For the “older” climbers (those who started climbing before 2017) this may feel like a topic that had been beaten to death in the past. However, this question was frequently asked by climbers who are

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