off the wagon boulder problem

Sendings of the famous Off the Wagon boulder problem

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Sendings of the famous Off the Wagon boulder problem

The famous “Off the Wagon” boulder problem in Val Bavona, Switzerland has seen multiple successful sends. Numerous climbers such as Jimmy Webb, Daniel Woods and Jakob Schubert had sent “off the wagon”.

History of the famous “Off the wagon” boulder problem

A short history of the Off the Wagon boulder problem. It was discovered by Dave Graham back in 2005 and was featured in the Big Up Production film Dosage III. The climb starts from a standing position on top of a wagon parked under the boulder, hence the name “Off the wagon”. In Dosage IV released in 2006, Chris Sharma attempted “Off the Wagon” for days but left it unfinished.

However, it was Chris Sharma’s beta in which he did a crazy crossover move which has now become the go-to move for the crux. Most climbers who had finished the problem used the same crossover technique.

Nalle Hukkataival did the first ascent of “Off the Wagon” in 2012. Nalle Hukkataival graded the problem 8c but after numerous send by other climbers, it was downgraded to 8b+.

In 2018, Shawn Raboutou established the sit start version grade 8c+.

Climbing has evolved dramatically over the past decade. Back in 2006 when Chris Sharma was considered the best climber in the world “Off the Wagon” was a project left undone. After the FA in 2012, “Off the Wagon” had seen numerous send.

Videos of “Off the Wagon”

Off the Wagon sit start – Shawn Raboutou

Shawn Raboutou “off the wagon” sit start

Off the Wagon sit start – Jimmy Webb

Jimmy Webb “off the wagon” sit start

Off the Wagon sit start – Daniel Woods

Daniel Woods “off the wagon” sit start

Off the Wagon standing start – Jakob Schubert

Jakob Schubert “off the wagon” standing start

Off the Wagon standing start – Marco Muller

Marco Müller “off the wagon” standing start

Off the Wagon sit start (the wagon had been moved) – Giuliano Cameroni

Giuliano Cameroni “off the wagon” sit start (the wagon had been moved)

Off the Wagon sit start – Sergei Topishko

Sergei Topishko “off the wagon” sit start

Off the Wagon sit start – Yannick Flohe

Yannick Flohe “off the wagon” sit start

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